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Uphold wallet Sign up
●      After completing the sign-up procedure, youmay apply for the Uphold wallet.
●      The steps for establishing a new Uphold walletare as follows:
●      Open the Uphold wallet app on your smartphoneor desktop computer.
●      Return to the website and click the 'CreateWallet' button.
●      After that, create a new safe password andauthenticate your Uphold Crypto Wallet account.
●      Before clicking the 'Next' button, enter anddouble-check the account's basic details.
●      You will be given a secret phrase/securityphrase on the next page;
●      Nevertheless, keep the security phrase privateand do not expose it to anybody.
●      Finish the registration procedure and verifyyour bank information.
●      The Uphold wallet is now operational.